
Health:560 Health Regen:8.5 Mana:0 Mana Regen:0 Attack Damage:64 Attack Speed:0.625 Armor:33 Magic Resist:32 Range:125 Movement Speed:340

Passive: Runic Blade
Riven's abilities charge her blade, and her basic attacks expend charges to deal an additional damage.

Q: Broken Wings
Riven lashes out in a series of strikes. This ability can be reactivated three times in a short time frame with the third hit knocking back nearby enemies.

W: Ki Burst
Riven emits a Ki Burst, damaging and stunning nearby enemies.

E: Valor
Riven steps forward a short distance and blocks incoming damage.

R: Blade of the Exile
Riven empowers her keepsake weapon with energy, and gains Attack Damage and Range. During this time, she also gains the ability to use Wind Slash, a powerful ranged attack, once.

Ally Tips

  • Riven's Broken Wings locks onto the champion your cursor is over at the time of cast. If you want to move past your opponent, make sure that your cursor is past your opponent as well.

  • Riven lacks a source of healing or strong defense and must compensate with burst combos. Lead into fights with Broken Wings and Ki Burst, while using Valor to escape and absorb counter-harass.

Opponent Tips

  • Riven has a great deal of mobility but she cannot move very far with any one skill. Rooting or silencing her during her combo will greatly reduce her effectiveness.

  • All of Riven's damage is physical, prioritize high Armor if an opposing Riven gets out of control.

  • Riven excels at dueling multiple melee attackers at once, as she will be on an almost equal footing damage-wise. If pairing up against Riven, don't go in as double melee until she has expended her full combo.


Once a swordmaster in the warhosts of Noxus, Riven is an expatriate in a land she previously tried to conquer. She rose through the ranks on the strength of her conviction and brutal efficiency, and was rewarded with a legendary runic blade and a warband of her own. However, on the Ionian front, Riven's faith in her homeland was tested and ultimately broken. Having severed all ties to the empire, she now seeks to find her place in a shattered world, even as rumors abound that Noxus itself has been reforged...